Rachel Weisz looks good, she smiles well, brings life into the character, shows off her heavily pregnant body quite well..
.. but she won an oscar for that!?!?! sheesh.
.. but she won an oscar for that!?!?! sheesh.
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what? ur discrete choice model said so?
i like rachel weisz more in the mummy series..specially mummy 2 :)
phreaky is screen presence an important criteria? nicole kidman won her best actress oscar for The hours where her role had just 30 minutes of screen presence :)
its probably becoz its a brit movie...check out BAFTA...they nominated both ralph fiennes and rachel weisz for leading actor and leading actress prize :)and heres the twist to the story..nicole kidman didnt even get a nomination in BAFTA...ooooh bloody politics :)
jedi - yes
gullu - hmm.. dunno abt mummy 2 but she was def very charming in mummy 1.
i think nicole kidman won it coz u know.. she's nicole kidman.. how can u have her act in a movie where she's changed her look (she wears a false nose) and portrays the celebrated virginia woolf.. i mean how could they NOT give her an oscar! :p
phreak - maybe when you are in a hurry to go to the bathroom and have to make ur choice.. looks like thats the way things go since crash got the best picture hahahaaaa.. perfect!
I have heard so much about this movie. I have got to see it!